All the deals you didn’t see on Facebook today!
prices are current as of posted time and they could change or end at any time.
6 dollar tee deal

Electric Toothbrushes
Bodycon dresses
Hat organizers
To Shop, Scroll right UNDER video19th item Here
Mr Potato head deals

Swedish towels
Swedish dish clothes have quickly replaced paper towels in my house!
Washable, Re-usable Eco friendly and so much stronger than paper towels I can’t live without these!!
I’m seeing them on mark 👇 today!!! 👏👏 🛍 To Shop, Scroll right UNDER video 19th item Here

My own Merch!
Pre-order the new Shark Dryer

Roll up Dish rack

Stroller organizer bag

Sams Club membership for $24.99
Naked Protein Cookies

Quay Sunglasses Buy 1 Get 1 Free

SiriusXM FREE for 4 months!

Meal Deals
One of my downfalls is cooking dinner, who’s with me 👋
I loathe meal planning and prepping. I dislike takeout even more and want home cooked meals but I need quick and easy!
Blue apron is EASY and affordable! They have meals that fit a lot of diets (vegetarian, WW, wellness, Family friendly) + Quick heat & eat options, breakfasts, desserts and more!
Save $110 0ff across 6 orders PLUS right now they are giving you a $100 gift card on top of the $110 0ff!!!
PS- you can schedule, pause, skip or cancel at any time!
Check it out >> Here
Cash back from groceries & gas
With Gas and food being so expensive these days, why not get cash back just for purchasing them?! Dine, Buy groceries and filling up gets you cash back! It even works on top of cash back Credit cards and its COMPLETELY F.R.E.E to join!
Join HERE!
Eufy Pet camera
Samsung Earbuds
Invest with as little as 5 bucks!

Some deals may still be working from the past few days
Click here for All August 31, 2022 deals
Click Here for All August 30, 2022 Deals
Click Here for August 26, 2022 deals
Be sure to follow me in all the places!
Amazon Storefront There I have lots of real pics, videos, Amazon Lives and idea lists for gift ideas as well as all “MY LISTS” that are all the products I own and love!
Facebook page Here & Also Facebook page Here (just a new page same content)
All other general sales in this Facebook group
Heather Rose Inc. owns the copyright on all images and text and does not allow for any reproduction anywhere without prior written authorization.
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This post may contain affiliate links to the products mentioned. See our disclosure policy Here
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